Ive yet to look into it but i have to wonder if the 2nd 1000 deaths occured at a greater or lesser rate than the 1st 1000. And whether this next 1000 will fall at a rate that is greater than the 1st 2000/2 again.
Bearing in mind of course that figure for all eternity could have been nil if Bush didn't order the invasion and occupation at all.
Now how many Iraqi dead? Ive thought it was up around 100,000 but most reports suggest more like 30-35, 000..... seems like we're instituting frameworks capable of killing off these poor buggers faster than Saddam could... no wonder He's not needed any more. What about rape and violence towards women and children? Well Saddams cronies were pretty good at that but from what i hear due to the rampant lawlessness brought about by Americas maniacal destruction of Iraqs infrastructure, you're as good as "had" should you be caught with a vagina between your legs anywhere outside of the green zone.
Still if nothing else we can be proud of the nobile fight our young grunts are putting up as they desecrate the dead, illegally imprison and torture "suspected" evil doers, gun down innocent civilians, exacerbate the actual terrorist threat, provide a radicalising momentum for terrorist indoctrination and recruitment and generally run amok beneath the flag of our "once" proud nation.
Fantastic. Way to go America.
I dunno about you but i just can't fathom why more nations dont want to hand over their sovereignty to us so we can "democratize" them as well. When you look into the bowels of our country with our 3rd world diseases, wretched poverty, police state tactics, racial hatred and the rate at which we're all killing each other, how could anyone dispute that "we" and we alone are fit to rule this earth and dictate unto all others how they too should live. Very un-Christian of them, me thinks.
So for the meantime we'll just have to keep taking their rights from them so we can free them from themselves. Lets face it. Only when they think and feel like us can they be truely free.
And if that doesn't work we can always have the CIA build illegal prisons in which to intern anyone who claims a right to their human rights a.k.a an "evil doer insurgent". Inside those, thru a strict diet of illegal detention and torture Im confident that anyone who doesn't do as they are told a.k.a an "evil doer insurgent" will soon admit their involvement in "free thinking", confess their brother as a "free thinker" also and sign whatever horseshit confession we thrust at them, in order to stop the pain and torture bought unto them by our overriding concerns for basic human rights.
God bless this great nation. We really are great aren't we? Come on tell us how great we are? What do you mean...No?
Oh well if you dont tell us what we want to hear then depending on how easy it is for us to bully you, you'll either be ignored or we'll invade and kill you. The choice is yours. Remember its all about democracy.... except when it comes to voting.. then its about special interests and election fraud......but hey i digress.